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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago

Arnold, Bruce, Andrew Aronson, and Gilbert Lawall. Love and Betrayal: A

    Catullus Reader. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2000.


———. Love and Betrayal: A Catullus Reader—Teacher’s Guide. Upper Saddle

    River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2000.


Aronson, A., and Robert Boughner. Catullus and Horace: Selections from Their

    Lyric Poetry. White Plains, N.Y.: Longman, 1988.


Aronson, Andrew. Catullus and Horace: A Selection with Facing Vocabularies and

    Notes. Amherst, Mass.: New England Classical Newsletter Publications,



Bender, Henry V., and Phyllis Young Forsyth. Catullus—Student Text. Wauconda,

    Ill.: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, 1997.


Fordyce, C. J. Catullus. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1961.


Forsyth, Phyllis Young. The Poems of Catullus—A Teaching Text. Lanham, Md.:

    University Press of America, 1986.


Garrison, Daniel H. The Student’s Catullus. Second Edition. Norman, Okla.

    and London: University of Oklahoma Press, 1995.


Goold, G. P. Catullus. Bristol: Bristol Classical Press, 1983. (includes a translation)


Merrill, Elmer T. Catullus. Boston: Ginn, 1893.


Quinn, Kenneth. Catullus—The Poems. Second Edition. London: Macmillan,



Thomson, D. F. S. Catullus: Edited with a Textual and Interpretative Commentary.

    Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997.


Additional Bibliography:






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