

Page history last edited by rancona@... 11 years, 5 months ago

There is now a second edition of Writing Passion and a new supplement, Writing Passion Plus (both 2013). The following links will give you details:







This page has not been updated for a while, but I hope it is still of some use. --RA


Writing Passion: A Catullus Reader

by Ronnie Ancona


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Catullus Poems in Writing Passion


Teaching Catullus' Poetry with Writing Passion

Meters of the Poems




The passion and immediacy of Catullus' lyrics can for readers obscure the complexity of his poems' moods and subjects. Informed by the latest in Catullan scholarship, Ronnie Ancona gives Catullus' poems their due. Writing Passion: A Catullus Reader presents the forty-two poems that are required reading for the 2005 AP Latin Literature Exam. The format includes line-by-line notes and vocabulary and a variety of enhancements, making it easily accessible to both teachers and students. A separate teacher's guide is also available.


Note - This book contained the poems on the AP Catullus syllabus through 2009. The last AP Exam including Catullus was given in May of 2009. Many teachers, it is expected, will continue to use this book in their secondary or college level classrooms when teaching Catullus.


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