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Selected Articles on Catullus

Page history last edited by PBworks 15 years, 10 months ago

Arkins, Brian. “Caelius and Rufus in Catullus.” Philologus 127 (1983): 306–11.


Clausen, Wendell. “Cicero and the New Poetry.” Harvard Studies in Classical 90 (1986): 159–70.



———. “Catullus and Callimachus.” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 74

    (1970): 86–94.


———. “Callimachus and Latin Poetry.” Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 5

    (1964): 181–96.


Commager, Steele. “Notes on Some Poems of Catullus.” Harvard Studies in 70 (1965): 83–110.

    Classical Philology


Crowther, N. B. “Parthenius and Roman Poetry.” Mnemosyne 29 (1976): 66–71.


———. “Catullus and the Traditions of Latin Poetry.” Classical Philology 66

    (1971): 246–49.

———. “οἱ νεώτεροι, poetae novi, and cantores Euphorionis.” Classical Quarterly

    20 (1970): 322–27.


Duclos, G. S. “Catullus 11: Atque in perpetuum, Lesbia, ave atque vale.” Arethusa

    9 (1976): 76–89.


Elder, J. P. “Notes on Some Conscious and Unconscious Elements in Catullus’

    Poetry.” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 60 (1951): 101–36.


Forsyth, Phyllis Young. “Catullus: The Mythic Persona.” Latomus 35 (1976):



Fowler, Don. “Postmodernism, Romantic Irony and Classical Closure.” In

    Modern Critical Theory and Classical Literature, edited by I. De Jong and J.

    P. Sullivan. Leiden: Brill, 1994: 231–56.


Fredricksmeyer, Ernst. “The Beginning and the End of Catullus’ Longus

    Amor.” Symbolae Osloenses 58 (1983): 63–88.


Gaffney, G. Edward. “Severitati Respondere: Character Drawing in the Pro

    Caelio and Catullus’ Carmina.” Classical Journal 90 (1995): 423–31.


Greene, Ellen. “The Catullan Ego: Fragmentation and the Erotic Self.” American 116 (1995): 77–93.

    Journal of Philology

Grimaldi, W. M. A. “The Lesbia Love Lyrics.” Classical Philology 60 (1965):



Hubbard, Thomas K. “The Catullan Libellus.” Philologus 127 (1983): 218–37.


Konstan, David. “Two Kinds of Love in Catullus.” Classical Journal 68 (1972):



Lateiner, D. “Obscenity in Catullus.” Ramus 6 (1977): 16–32.


Lyne, R. O. A. M. “The Neoteric Poets.” Classical Quarterly 28 (1978): 167–87.


Minyard, J. D. “The Source of the Catulli Veronensis Liber.” Classical World 81

    (1988): 343–53.


Putnam, M. C. J. “The Future of Catullus.” The Transactions and Proceedings of 113 (1983): 243–62.

    the American Philological Association


Rankin, H. D. “The Progress of Pessimism in Catullus, Poems 2–11.” Latomus

    31 (1972): 744–51.


———. “Clodia II.” L’Antiquité Classique 38 (1969) 501–06.


Rubino, Carl. “The Erotic World of Catullus.” Classical World 68 (1975): 289–97.


Seager, R. “Venustus, Lepidus, Bellus, Salsus: Notes on the Language of Catullus.”

    Latomus 33 (1974): 891–94.


Segal, Charles. “The Order of Catullus, Poems 2–11.” Latomus 27 (1968):



Selden, D. “Ceveat lector: Catullus and the rhetoric of performance.” In Innovations, edited by R. Hexter and D. Selden. New York: Routledge

    of Antiquity

    (1992): 461–512.


Skinner, Marilyn B. “Ego mulier: The Construction of Male Sexuality in Catullus.”

    Helios 20 (1993) 107–30.


———. “Clodia Metelli.” Transactions and Proceedings on the American Philological 113 (1983): 273–82.



———. “Prett y Lesbius.” Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological 112 (1982): 197–208.



———. “Parasites and Strange Bedfellows: A Study in Catullus’ Political Imagery.”

    Ramus 8 (1980): 137–52.


Tatum, W. Jeffrey. “Friendship, Politics, and Literature in Catullus: Poems 1,

    65 and 66, 116.” Classical Quarterly 47 (1997) 482–500.


Vinson, Martha. “Party Politics and the Language of Love in the Lesbia

    Poems of Catullus.” In Collection Latomus: Studies in Latin Literature and 6, edited by C. Deroux. Brussels: Latomus, 1992: 163–80.

    Roman History


———. “And Baby Makes Three? Parental Imagery in the Lesbia poems of

    Catullus.” Classical Journal 85 (1989–90): 47–53.


Wiltshire, Susan F. “Catullus Venustus.” Classical World 70 (1977): 319–26.


Additional Bibliography:


 Fitzgerald, William, "Catullus, the Collection:  Poems, Contexts, and Subjectivity."

 In Ancona, Ronnie. A Concise Guide to Teaching Latin Literature. Norman, Oklahoma:  University of Oklahoma Press, 2007:  3-19.


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